80% of middle school and high school age kids in Haiti do not stay in school
Over 6 million Haitians live below the poverty line
Haiti’s unemployment rate is 13.8%
Investing in long-term solutions to poverty
Project Fleri believes education is essential for Haitian advancement, and that is why we have made it the main objective of our organization.
Holistic Support
We take a holistic approach that involves working together with the families & communities involved in our programs & giving each child the support they need to succeed.
Welcome House
The Project Fleri Welcome House is a transitional foster home for children in Port-au-Prince. Our goal is to provide a safe home for children who do not have another option for living.
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Direct Giving
Every dollar donated goes directly towards the needs of our programs and helping achieve our mission.
Local Leadership
To align with our mission of sustainability & job creation, our leadership team is hired directly from Haiti.