We believe

Kids deserve to flourish

We work with families in Haiti to break the cycle of poverty through quality education.

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The Challenges

  • 80% of middle school and high school age kids in Haiti do not stay in school.

  • Over 6 million Haitians live below the poverty line.

  • Haiti’s unemployment rate is 13.8%.


Our Mission

We take a holistic approach to ensure emotional, physical & nutritional needs are met allowing students to academically flourish. Project Fleri works with the families, local community & social workers to ensure educational success.

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Our Impact


children fed daily

Since 2020, Project Fleri has partnered with two schools in Port au Prince to provide daily meals to its students.

The number of Haitian students directly impacted by our programs is approximately 1,000.

Our impact reaches well beyond the classroom. Educated and well nourished children are more likely to flourish in their careers and assist their families and communities.


annual school scholarships provided

We provide education scholarships to students in need within the Vivy Mitchel community.


full-time Haitian employees

The Project Fleri team works directly with the children & families in our program and takes a unique approach to ensure every child’s success.




Our Programs

In Haiti, only 20% of middle school and high school age kids stay in school.

Haiti’s school system is dominated by the private sector making school tuition too expensive for most families, especially past middle school. Our education program helps families overcome this obstacle by covering the cost of tuition & providing additional support to keep kids in school.

Creating long-term effects on poverty in Haiti starts with education. Education creates a positive ripple effect across communities that allows people to take control of their futures & change their lives for the better.

  • In fall of 2022, we opened the doors to Project Fleri Scholastic Academy (PFSA) Elementary School, teaching K - grade 4. Our goal is to expand our elementary school to include grade 6 - 12 overtime.

    The vision of Project Fleri Scholastic Academy is to provide a holistic quality education to underprivileged students in Haiti. Quality education is challenging to find in Haiti, and it is almost always costly. Our goal is to create a system where all students, regardless of economic background, can access the country's best education.

    How do we provide a holistic quality education?

    Hire Qualified Staff: All of Project Fleri's teachers have received a college degree. Additionally, they have dedicated themselves to improving our community's conditions and making a long-lasting impact on students' lives.

    Have a Quality Curriculum: PFSA has combined the curriculum in Haiti with a U.S.-accredited curriculum to ensure our students have educational and career opportunities locally and globally.

    Incorporate Extracurricular Activities: PFSA offers many enrichment programs in and after school. Language courses and mentorship programs are available during the school day. After school, students can access tutoring services, various clubs such as soccer and photography, and career development opportunities. Each year we grow our extracurricular offerings so that students can participate in activities that fit their passions.

    Promote Sustainable Practices: Project Fleri is dedicated to incorporating sustainable practices into its school in Haiti. The school is built from recycled materials and storage containers, making it earthquake resistant. It is entirely solar-powered and has a policy to limit plastic use. We have established a gardening program, using produce grown on-site for daily school lunches. Students maintain the garden and are encouraged to plant at home, teaching self-sustaining skills crucial in the fight against poverty.

    Provide Incentives: Students are incentivized to work hard in school. Our incentives include fun Fridays once a month for students attending school regularly and performing well. These Fridays include trips to the pool, movie nights, and various fun activities.

    Gender Equality: A goal of PFSA is to promote gender equality in Haiti. Young women in Haiti are among the most vulnerable. Mentors and activities empower young women to advance in their education, employment, and communities, contributing to a more equitable Haiti.

    Promote Mental and Physical Health: Good mental and physical health is crucial for academic performance. Students at PFSA have access to a full-time mental health counselor and school nurse to ensure their needs are met.

    Encourage Parent & Community Engagement: Parents should play a key role in their child's education. Regular parent-teacher conferences and community gatherings ensure that the success of PFSA and the students is a group effort.

    Career Development: Our goal is to provide students with career development opportunities that support their future success.

    Ultimately, our goal is to become a K-12 U.S.-accredited school that fosters opportunities for our students around the globe.

  • Many children in Haiti don’t receive a daily meal. Since 2020, Project Fleri has partnered with two schools in Port au Prince to provide daily meals to its students. Our school lunch program provides the 900 children at St. Louis and St. Jude with a nutritious, daily meal to help them continue to grow and develop in and outside of school.

  • The after-school program at Project Fleri Scholastic Academy (PFSA) is designed to provide comprehensive support and enrichment activities to enhance students' educational experiences. This program includes tutoring and a wide range of enrichment activities, such as soccer and arts clubs, aiming to foster both academic and personal growth among students.

    Importance of the After-School Program:

    The program offers an after-school snack to ensure students are well-nourished and ready to engage in learning and activities. The presence of dedicated tutors allows students to receive the one-on-one attention they need to excel in their studies. This personalized support is crucial in helping students overcome academic challenges and succeed in their classes.

    Enrichment Clubs

    To keep the program dynamic and engaging, PFSA offers a variety of enrichment clubs throughout the school year and summer. These clubs are scheduled in four sessions: February/March, April/May, July/August (summer learning program), and October/November. Each session introduces different activities, ensuring that students can explore various interests and talents.

    Future enrichment clubs include:

    Gardening: Teaching students to grow plants and understand the basics of horticulture.

    Drumming and Dance: Providing creative outlets and cultural enrichment through music and movement.

    Photography and Art: Encouraging artistic expression and technical skills.

    Soccer and Basketball: Promoting physical health and teamwork through sports.

    Jewelry Making and Sewing: Offering skills in crafting and design, fostering creativity and patience.

    Chess and Book Club: Enhancing critical thinking and fostering a love for reading.

    Acting/Drama and Video Editing: Developing performance skills and technical knowledge in multimedia.

    Girl Power Program

    Aimed at empowering young girls, the Girl Power program includes monthly meetings and retreats. These activities are designed to build confidence, leadership skills, and a sense of community among female students. The program encourages girls to see themselves in careers and positions of influence, addressing the significant challenges faced by young women in Haiti.

    SEL/Career Development

    Social-emotional learning (SEL) and career development are integral parts of the after-school program. Students participate in PBIS reward outings and guest speaker series, which provide positive reinforcement and exposure to various career paths. These initiatives help students build essential life skills and prepare for future opportunities.

    Training and Events

    Regular training sessions, events, and meetings are conducted to ensure parents and the community are actively involved in the educational process. Parent meetings, staff training, and community events such as the Back to School Bash and End of School Year Party foster a supportive environment for students.

    Community Engagement

    Community support is a cornerstone of the after-school program. Engaging with parents and community members ensures that students receive holistic support, both academically and personally. This engagement helps create a nurturing environment where students are motivated to stay in school and succeed.

    Nutrition and Summer Learning

    The program ensures that students receive nutritious meals, which are vital for their cognitive development and academic performance. Additionally, the summer learning program combats the summer slide by offering educational sessions that help students retain knowledge and stay prepared for the upcoming school year.

    One-on-One Literacy Support

    To address literacy challenges, PFSA provides one-on-one reading and writing lessons on weekends. This individualized instruction helps students improve their literacy skills, ensuring they meet the academic standards for their grade level.

    Overall, the after-school program at PFSA is a multifaceted initiative designed to provide academic support, enrichment activities, and personal development opportunities for students. Through community engagement, targeted support, and a wide range of activities, the program aims to create a nurturing and empowering environment for all students.

  • Scholarships play a crucial role in providing access to education for children in Haiti, where the majority of schools are private and often prohibitively expensive for most families. The Haitian education system is predominantly composed of private institutions, which account for about 85% of all schools. These schools, while offering quality education, come with significant costs that include tuition, uniforms, books, and other educational materials. In Haiti, the economic situation is dire for many families, who live on an average of just $2 a day. The annual expenses for books alone can range between $250 to $350, making education an insurmountable barrier for most households. As a result, many children are forced to stay at home, unable to access the education they need to build a better future.

    Scholarships are essential in bridging this gap by providing the necessary financial support to cover educational expenses, ensuring that children from low-income families can attend school. At Project Fleri, the scholarship program was created to address this significant need. By partnering with local schools like Mixte St. Louis in Vivy Mitchel, the program covers the costs of uniforms, books, and tuition for students from kindergarten through high school. The impact of these scholarships extends beyond individual students to their families and the wider community, enabling educated children to contribute positively to their communities and break the cycle of poverty. Project Fleri’s scholarship program is a testament to the transformative power of education and the critical role that financial support plays in making education accessible to all.

  • The Project Fleri Welcome House is an IBESR (Haitian Social Services) accredited home for 20 vulnerable children in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Our goal is to provide a safe home, food, and education for children who do not have another option for living. We create a safe, family environment for children to grow and learn while working to reunite families whenever possible. 

    David & Neva, Project Fleri’s foster parents, live at the home with our children and create a family environment with warm family relationships. Along with the family environment our kids receive, we provide emotional support, education, and a diversified continuum of services with a focus on self-sustained skill development. A plan is developed for each child leading to an outcome of healthy reunification, kinship care, or independent living through education or work opportunities.

    The Welcome House has become a community center for all the children in the neighborhood. Our goal is for every kid in our program and in the neighborhood to feel like they have a place to come any time.

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Get Involved

Creating long-term effects on poverty in Haiti starts with education. Education creates a positive ripple effect across communities that allows people to take control of their futures & change their lives for the better.

You can be part of that change. Here are a few suggestions on how you can get involved.


Become an English-speaker partner

Over the last few weeks, volunteers have had Zoom calls with our Welcome House kids, who have been stuck inside the apartment all day and night. This has brought them immense joy and has been great for keeping them on top of their English while school is not in session.

Sponsor a classroom

Due to the rapid growth of our elementary school and a significant interest in the Vivy Mitchel community, we have decided to shift our funding model away from single-student sponsorship. The Classroom Ambassador Program allows a donor to support the cost of books, school supplies, and tuition for an entire class of 20 - 30 students. With this support, donors will receive monthly newsletters from the class, including what they are learning and how they are developing in their studies! This model is a great way to see the impact of your generosity on the lives of students in Haiti.

Make a Donation

You can help us create opportunities for children in need through our education and development programs.


Shop project fleri

Purchasing our products is another great way to support our work in Haiti.

Helping Haitian Youth Flourish T-shirt
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Pink Melin A-Game Hydro Performance Snapback
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Army Green North Face Hat
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Army Green North Face Hat
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Our Team

The Project Fleri team works directly with the children & families in our program and takes a unique approach to ensure every child’s success. We are wholeheartedly committed to each of these children with a focus on providing them a quality & holistic education.

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  • At the heart of Project Fleri Scholastic Academy (PFSA) are dedicated individuals committed to providing quality education and support to the students of Haiti. Angela Regis, our Education Director, brings five years of teaching experience and a master's degree in education from the University of Miami. Angela manages the after-school tutoring center during the school year, ensuring high educational standards and maintaining strong parent-student relationships. She is also responsible for overseeing all operations during the summer enrichment program, managing tutors, and coordinating with mentors. Her leadership and expertise are instrumental in delivering a comprehensive educational experience to our students.

    Emily Booth, the Executive Director and founder of Project Fleri, oversees the organization's overall operations and strategic planning. With a bachelor's degree in international studies and a master's degree in NGO management from Johns Hopkins University, Emily graduated with her MBA in May 2024. She has three years of experience working in Haiti and serves as the primary contact for the Haitian team. Emily is responsible for making executive decisions regarding the board of directors, employees, finances, fundraising, and strategic planning. Her vision and leadership have been crucial in expanding the organization's impact since its founding in 2019. Emily's dedication to the success of Project Fleri is evident in her hands-on approach, regularly meeting with team members and reporting project progress to donors and the board of directors.

    David Joseph, our Program Director, is a vital part of our team, overseeing all operations in Haiti and serving as a role model in the community. His generosity and care ensure that the organization runs smoothly and that communication between the Haiti team and the U.S. executive team is seamless. David's daily oversight and coordination with various stakeholders ensure that all programs are implemented effectively and that the needs of the children and families in our program are met.

    Together, Angela, Emily, and David manage a dedicated team of 27 full-time staff members. This team includes individuals in construction, security, maintenance, cooking, tutoring, teaching, and administrative roles. Each staff member plays a crucial part in maintaining the high standards of PFSA and ensuring the smooth operation of our programs. The combined efforts of our leadership team and staff drive Project Fleri's mission forward, creating opportunities for students and fostering a brighter future for the community of Vivy Mitchel, Haiti.



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